Success Stories

fortunate to lead……

A few brands we have been

Our partnership began with seven existing SKUs, a 10-year history at at a major US retailer, and the most recent four years with flat sales.


Hard questions and were asked, and bold, empowered decisions were made with their leadership.


The brand grew over 6x in 3 years from a $10 million brand and became a TikTok sensation! Talk about some fun results with a great team!
Prestige beauty brand with 35 years history in professional beauty space, a couple of years of distribution in a major beauty chain with the national brand, and private label business with a major drug retailer.


Find relevance, white space and a reason for being in mass. In our strategy time, our team sparked and led the initial work on a successful rebrand of the national brand.


Launched into mass with 17 SKUs. After almost completely replacing a 85-year old heritage brand competitor, years later, POD’s continue to grow and space is gaining! It was all about bold transparency, partnership, incredible collaboration, strategy, prep and execution between teams. Best of all, deep merchant relationships were built. The mass success led to significant additional private label wins with increased economies of scale and credibility.
A global, India-based beauty brand with presence in 22 countries, had a $2.5M a month DTC business in the US wanted to expand to brick and mortar in the US.


Defining channel pricing, size strategy, 3PL guidance, EDI integration guidance, case pack configurations and more. We created, and continue to follow, a thorough retailer road map with opportunity and timing defined.


Entered a top mass retailer with nine SKUs into one of the most competitive categories and additional retailers were added. 87° is now the US office for the brand.
A prestige, reusable water bottle and coffee mug brand with sizeable business in a mass retailer wanted to expand to other retailers to complete a major distribution hole.


A trailblazing team lead the way to build a plan with another major retailer for a launch of 14 SKUs. The intense focus on customer demographics and the decision tree was the key to the enormous success.


The brand quickly had the top SKUs in the category, and which setting up the company to deliver significant enough growth to be purchased by an S&P 500 company for more than $300 million.
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